Explore our Curriculum


Classics is a unique, interdisciplinary endeavor dedicated to studying all aspects of the Greek and Roman world. It incorporates the study of the language, history, and culture of a vast array of peoples from parts of Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. Given this geographical breadth and diversity, Classics involves the study of stories and histories that reflect every aspect of the human experience and condition.

At Groton, students begin their study of Latin and Greek at the intersection of mythology, history, and grammar. The Classics faculty takes great care to provide compelling and engaging texts that promote acquisition, understanding, and discourse at all levels of language study - from beginner to advanced.

Latin and Greek are the foundation of many languages, including English, and are useful aids for learning and appreciating them. At the same time, the development of vigorous critical and computational thinking skills, along with the honing of analytical and communication skills, underpin our study of Latin and Greek. The benefits of this type of intellectual training enhance the development of language skills and the ability to analyze texts and grapple with timeless, human questions. Studying Latin and Greek provides a perspective into many different cultures and prepares students for all manners and modes of learning and problem-solving at Groton and beyond.

Classical studies specialize in close reading and mental discipline while diving into a wide range of subjects from a readily grasped core. 
NOTE: All entering Second and Third form students are required to take at least one year of Latin. If a student has studied Latin prior to Groton, they will take a placement test to determine the appropriate skill level. Students who begin Greek must complete at least two years of the language, unless they start Greek in their Sixth form year. In particular, Upper Schoolers who begin Greek should plan their future schedules accordingly.
  • Advanced Ancient Greek (Y)

    Advanced Ancient Greek is a reading course. In recent years works have included Sophocles' Antigone and Oedipus Rex, Plato's Apology and Phaedo, and selections from Homer's Odyssey. Readings may vary from year to year and are chosen at the discretion of the instructor and the Classics Department.
  • Advanced Attic Greek (Y)

    Advanced Attic Greek is a reading course. In recent years works read have included Sophocles' Antigone and Oedipus Rex, Plato's Apology and Phaedo, and selections from Homer's Odyssey. Readings may vary from year to year and are chosen at the discretion of the instructor and the Classics Department.
  • AP Latin (Y)

    In this course, students continue to expand their work from Latin III, reading selections from Books 2, 4, 6, 11, and 12 of Vergil’s Aeneid and selected Letters from Pliny the Younger and other authors from the Classical Period through the Enlightenment, as required for the Advanced Placement Examination. In addition to translating, discussing, and analyzing these passages, attention will be given to historical and cultural connections between the readings and their impact on our understanding of the Greco-Roman civilization. 

    Latin III or permission of the Classics Department is the prerequisite for this course. It is designated as an Advanced Placement course and, thus, requires a full-year commitment for all students. The AP Exam is also required. 

  • Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean (S)

    (not offered in 2025-26
    Open to Sixth and Fifth Formers. This class will explore the archaeology, history, and cultures of the Near East, North Africa, and Europe from the Bronze Age until the end of the Roman Empire. Students will explore the major archaeological and historical questions of each period, including the display of human remains, the repatriation of antiquities, the Trojan War, the receptions of Black Athena, and the archaeology of mass violence. The class will combine illustrated lectures with discussions of the major artistic, architectural, and historical periods. No prior knowledge of Classics is required for this class.
  • Beginning Attic Greek (Y)

    The Beginning Attic Greek curriculum is designed to cover most of the essential grammar and basic syntax of the language within a year, along with vocabulary-building and practice in reading. Athenaze Part I and II are the required texts for the course.
  • Intermediate Ancient Greek (Y)

    In Intermediate Ancient Greek students will review and expand upon the grammar and syntax they studied during the first year through the close reading of Greek literature. Readings include selections from Xenophon's Anabasis in the first half of the year followed by selections from Homer's Iliad.
  • Intermediate Attic Greek (Y)

    In Intermediate Attic Greek students will review and expand upon the grammar and syntax they studied during the first year through the close reading of Greek literature. Readings include selections from Xenophon's Anabasis in the first half of the year followed by selections from Homer's Iliad.
  • Latin 1 (Y)

    The Latin 1 curriculum covers the essential grammar and basic syntax of the language within a year. On a daily basis, students translate practice sentences and longer, narrative passages designed to reinforce grammatical topics and to help develop fluency in the language. Discussion of various topics associated with these readings serves to expand the students’ awareness of a wide range of Roman realities. The Oxford Latin Course College Edition is the required text for the class.
  • Latin 2 (Y)

    Latin 2 begins with a quick, thorough review of the essential grammar and syntax covered during the first year of study. In conjunction with this review, students also translate Latin from the Liber, an episodic survey of Roman history excerpts from Livy and other Roman authors, before moving on to reading selections from Caesar’s Gallic Wars in the spring term. This course aims to make students proficient readers of Latin while providing a good overview of Roman history and literature through the lens of both Romans and other peoples within the Roman Empire.
  • Latin 3 (Y)

    Latin 3 aims to develop further students’ proficiency in the language while introducing them to representative works of Latin prose and poetry. Students study prose in the first half of the year, typically selections from the works of Cicero and Sallust, and poetry in the second half of the year with selections from Vergil’s Aeneid.
  • Latin 4 (Y)

    Latin 4 offers students the opportunity to continue to read, analyze, and discuss representative works of Latin prose and poetry. In recent years this course has focused on selections from a range of Roman authors including Ovid's Metamorphoses, Catullus' Carmina, Horace's Odes, and Vergil's Aeneid. Readings may vary from year to year and are chosen at the discretion of the instructor and the Classics Department. Sixth Formers take this course on a term-by-term basis.
  • Latin 5 (F)

    The literature studied in Latin 5 may vary at the discretion of the instructor and Classics Department. In recent years, course topics have included the lyric poetry of Catullus and Horace, the philosophical writings of Cicero, the didactic poetry of Lucretius, comedies of Plautus, and selections from the works of Ovid, Seneca, Apuleius and other Latin authors.
    These courses are offered on a term-by-term basis to Sixth Formers; all others must elect Latin 5 for the full year.
  • Latin 6 (F)

    Readings are chosen by the instructor.
  • The Mythology of Greece and Rome (W)

    (not offered in 2025-26
    Open to Sixth, Fifth, and Fourth Formers. This course will read a selection of stories from Greco-Roman mythology and examine the different ways that those stories were told in antiquity and have been reimagined and repurposed in the years since, with a particular focus on recent reinterpretations. We will examine examples from literature, art, music, movies, and theater, considering the choices that authors and artists make in telling these stories through their own lenses and how those retellings affect our readings of the original myths. One unit will focus on examples of possible PTSD in myth and to what extent some of those sufferings from PTSD in the modern world, particularly veterans and the incarcerated, can better understand their trauma through myth. Students will finish the term by presenting their own creative retelling of an ancient myth. All readings and papers will be in English, and no prior knowledge is required.

Our Faculty

  • Photo of Amy Martin-Nelson
    Amy Martin-Nelson
    Classics Department Head
  • Photo of Mary Frances Bannard
    Mary Frances Bannard
    Assistant Director of Globalism & Experiential Learning, Dorm Head
  • Photo of Preston Bannard
    Preston Bannard
  • Photo of David Giampetruzzi
    David Giampetruzzi
    Sherrard Billings Chair of Classics
  • Photo of Maeve Harrington
    Maeve Harrington
  • Photo of Michael O'Donnell
    Michael O'Donnell
    Assistant Head for Residential Life, Classics, History and Social Science